Are Carbs Bad?


We’ve gone over this one time and time again. When someone says the word “carbs,” what do you instantly think of? Cake, candy, and cookies, right? Unfortunately, the blanket statement “carbs are bad” comes from a wrongful generalization of an entire food...

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What is Really Means to be Toned?


Women everywhere are getting fooled by social media into doing ridiculous workouts, diets, and other irrelevant gimmicks in the name of losing weight and getting “toned.” 

But I am convinced that the millions of women who use that term do so arbitrarily without truly...

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How Many Calories Should You Eat? Estimate Your Starting Point with THIS Tip

Here’s how to figure out how many calories you should be eating in 60 seconds.

Not to be confused with how many calories you can eat in 60 seconds. That would be a very different video. Could be interesting. Please comment below which HYBRID team members you would like to see go...

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Is starvation mode real?


Is “STARVATION MODE” Really a Thing? 

“Hey Stef, I’m really trying to lose weight but I haven’t seen barely any progress… My trainer told me I’m probably in starvation mode and that my body is just holding onto the fat.”

I’m not...

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Can you really detox your way to health?


The Delusion of Detox Diets

Before you buy your next detox kit, do this for me-- open your wallet, take out all of your money, drop it into your toilet, and flush it down. Congratulations, you’ve just found a better use for your money than spending it on a detox!!

Just kidding guys,...

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A better way to track progress


Tracking Progress: Quality vs. Quantity / When Goal Setting Goes Wrong 

Is there really one “perfect” way to track progress? Fitness culture is obsessed with numbers. We either want them to go down-- such as the number on the scale or body measurements-- or we want them to...

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What about cheat meals?


I get this question all the time…

Stef, what is your favorite cheat meal? 

I immediately start sweating... should I just say the first deliciously disgusting meal that comes to my mind or should I be that annoying nerd that says “well, I don’t really cheat”...

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Can you drink and get jacked?


Can you drink and get jacked? 

Plenty of people out there, including myself, like to crack open an ice-cold brewski from time to time. So crisp, and so refreshing in a mid-summer heat wave.

But, it can be somewhat unclear whether or not indulging in the occasional bottle of booze is...

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How to get rid of cellulite?


Get rid of cellulite fast.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.

Laser Beams & Cellulite Creams. 

Ladies: as always, I want to be real with you. We need to talk about all of these social media ads for magical creams, workouts, and fancy procedures that claim to make...

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Will carbs at night make me gain weight?


willl carbs at night make me gain weight.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.

Will carbs at night make me gain weight?

Hey! Here’s another fitness myth debunking. Bonus! You’re welcome! 

It’s nighttime, you’re going to have some carbs, go ahead. 


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