Hey guys, welcome back. Today we are going to be talking about the concept of concurrent training. For years, I’ve been hearing powerlifters bashing on endurance training and cardiovascular exercise, claiming that even the lightest of jogs will instantly wipe out muscle mass and...
Everyone loves a nice joint manipulation, right? That satisfying *CRACK* of the neck or back that sends you on a euphoric spiral as you lay motionless on the treatment table, sighing with relief.
But what is actually happening when you “get adjusted” by your...
The gyms are opening back up and you’re about to start your new training program. You know, just trying to drop a few pounds after quarantine and get back your general physical fitness.
Chances are, you’ll be doing workouts that include a mix of resistance training and...
Whether you are a learned fitness professional or someone who simply dabbles in fitness, your feed has probably been inundated with posts that read “THE 3 BEST PREHAB EXERCISES FOR XYZ PAIN.” But what constitutes a “prehab” exercise? Are they just a regular exercise...
Are your hamstring really tight?
Up until a few years ago, the answer to everything was “just stretch it”. Something feels tight? Stretch it. Something hurts? Stretch it. Need to warm up? Stretch. Need to Cool down? Stretch. Training today? Stretch. Resting today?...
Is “STARVATION MODE” Really a Thing?
“Hey Stef, I’m really trying to lose weight but I haven’t seen barely any progress… My trainer told me I’m probably in starvation mode and that my body is just holding onto the fat.”
I’m not...
The Delusion of Detox Diets
Before you buy your next detox kit, do this for me-- open your wallet, take out all of your money, drop it into your toilet, and flush it down. Congratulations, you’ve just found a better use for your money than spending it on a detox!!
Just kidding guys,...
Tracking Progress: Quality vs. Quantity / When Goal Setting Goes Wrong
Is there really one “perfect” way to track progress? Fitness culture is obsessed with numbers. We either want them to go down-- such as the number on the scale or body measurements-- or we want them to...
I get this question all the time…
Stef, what is your favorite cheat meal?
I immediately start sweating... should I just say the first deliciously disgusting meal that comes to my mind or should I be that annoying nerd that says “well, I don’t really cheat”...
Can you drink and get jacked?
Plenty of people out there, including myself, like to crack open an ice-cold brewski from time to time. So crisp, and so refreshing in a mid-summer heat wave.
But, it can be somewhat unclear whether or not indulging in the occasional bottle of booze is...
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