How to Grow Your Calves (Part-One)


Many people think that calf muscles stubbornly defy the laws of hypertrophy,  and that they are simply an open-and-shut case of genetic predisposition hmm hmm Omar isuf #teamnocalves. Small calf syndrome can be a true burden in someone’s life,  can make you the center of...

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What do waist trainers really do?


I have a question for you. Do you wear a waist trainer?

If you do, why do you wear one? It seems like everyone wears a waist trainer in the gym these days, yet no one can give me one consistent answer as to why.

This isn’t a video to make people feel bad about wearing a waist...

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Skipping Cardio: Are you a powerlifter or just lazy?


Hey guys, welcome back. Today we are going to be talking about the concept of concurrent training. For years, I’ve been hearing powerlifters bashing on endurance training and cardiovascular exercise, claiming that even the lightest of jogs will instantly wipe out muscle mass and...

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Are Carbs Bad?


We’ve gone over this one time and time again. When someone says the word “carbs,” what do you instantly think of? Cake, candy, and cookies, right? Unfortunately, the blanket statement “carbs are bad” comes from a wrongful generalization of an entire food...

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What is Really Means to be Toned?


Women everywhere are getting fooled by social media into doing ridiculous workouts, diets, and other irrelevant gimmicks in the name of losing weight and getting “toned.” 

But I am convinced that the millions of women who use that term do so arbitrarily without truly...

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Are You Addicted To Cracks?


 Everyone loves a nice joint manipulation, right? That satisfying *CRACK* of the neck or back that sends you on a euphoric spiral as you lay motionless on the treatment table, sighing with relief. 

But what is actually happening when you “get adjusted” by your...

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A RIGHT Way to do Hip Thrusts?!


I am really loving how the hip thrust has become a staple lift in the gym. Popularized by “The Glute Guy,” Dr. Bret Contreras, it is now a common daily occurrence to scroll through your feed and see a small female lifter crushing HUNDREDS of pounds with a barbell hip...

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The 5 BIGGEST Mistakes People Make in the Gym

You asked, we answered. Here are HYBRID’s top 5 biggest mistakes that people make in the gym.

1. Going in without a plan.

By far, the number one mistake of gym goers is moseying into the iron temple not having a clue of what they are about to do. This is forgivable once in a while, but...

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How Many Calories Should You Eat? Estimate Your Starting Point with THIS Tip

Here’s how to figure out how many calories you should be eating in 60 seconds.

Not to be confused with how many calories you can eat in 60 seconds. That would be a very different video. Could be interesting. Please comment below which HYBRID team members you would like to see go...

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Why Should You Use TEMPO TRAINING?


More and more people are learning about the benefits of incorporating tempo work into their training. Tempo training is an incredibly effective but often under-utilized strategy. It’s all about manipulating the speed of an exercise to maximize muscle hypertrophy, neuromuscular...

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