6.15.19 Pecs Vertical.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.
Do I need a lot of variety?
As far as hypertrophy goes, some of the biggest mistakes people make is adding too much variation and never fully mastering any movement and on top of that, executing it poorly.
2.16.20 CRISPR UPDATED.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.
What is gene editing?
We recorded an episode of Hybrid Unlimited with genetic engineering expert, Josiah Zayner.
We learned how gene therapy and gene editing work, and how these technologies might make their...
1.18.19 IGTV.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.
What is a moment arm and how will it help me?
Let’s talk about using internal moment arms to inform exercise selection.
What is an internal moment arm? It’s the distance between a muscle acting on a joint and the...
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