Tracking Progress: Quality vs. Quantity / When Goal Setting Goes Wrong
Is there really one “perfect” way to track progress? Fitness culture is obsessed with numbers. We either want them to go down-- such as the number on the scale or body measurements-- or we want them to...
Can you drink and get jacked?
Plenty of people out there, including myself, like to crack open an ice-cold brewski from time to time. So crisp, and so refreshing in a mid-summer heat wave.
But, it can be somewhat unclear whether or not indulging in the occasional bottle of booze is...
Get rid of cellulite fast.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.
Laser Beams & Cellulite Creams.
Ladies: as always, I want to be real with you. We need to talk about all of these social media ads for magical creams, workouts, and fancy procedures that claim to make...
Strength vs growth from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.
What separates strength from growth?
Remember the last time you went to your local gym, before the world ended, and saw that huge bodybuilder dude or that shredded fit chick?
Our first thoughts when we see this type of specimen is...
DO YOU NEED TO WORKOUT.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.
Do you need to exercise in order to lose weight? That's the question we're going to cover today.
Now the media will try to convince you that there is a magic secret to losing weight…. inserting whatever scam they're...
IG Workouts.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.
Let's Talk about IG workouts for a sec.
First of all, let me say, there's nothing wrong with doing a random workout you found on your favorite IG Superstar feed.
No matter what it is, I rather see people get inspired and...
Can you Prevent Injuries.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.
More often than not injuries come as big surprises. Only in hindsight do we interpret the warning signs.
If only we understood those signals, could we have avoided that injury?
You would think we will learn and...
Knees passing the toes.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.
Can knees pass the toes?
The thought that knees passing the toes leads to increased injury rates is mind boggling.
This thought has somehow been passed from trainer to trainer infecting fear into athletes and...
Is cardio Ideal for weightloss? from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.
Is cardio Ideal for weight loss?
There seems to be a lot of confusion around cardio and weight loss.
Most people think that cardio is the only way to expose their beautifully crafted six pack but the truth is that’s...
How to find motivation from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.
How to find motivation?
You may often hear answers like ...
“Discipline, not motivation is the key to success.”
"Even if you don't want to, just do it."
Another common answer, “its habit. Just make it part of...
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