Can you spot reduce fat?

Can you spot reduce fat UPDATED.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.

We're pretty obsessed with moving fat around.

We chop it off from here, we add it here, we pack it up, we make soap whatever...

We're never happy with where our bodies choose to store our fat. 

Social media...

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Are all calories good calories?

What is better... 100 calories from an apple or 100 calories from a Big Mac?

That might seem like a no-brainer “obviously a Big Mac is worse”…. 

“Fruit is good for you and cheeseburgers are bad for you”.... right? 

I'm here to tell you what the answer...

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Is sugar making you gain weight?

is sugar making you fat.mp4 from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.

The premise that sugar is bad for you is such a strongly held belief in and out of the fitness community. It seems to be a globally accepted concept that stems from years and years of misrepresented and misinterpreted clinical...

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Is cardio Ideal for weight loss?

Is cardio Ideal for weightloss? from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.

Is cardio Ideal for weight loss?

There seems to be a lot of confusion around cardio and weight loss.

Most people think that cardio is the only way to expose their beautifully crafted six pack but the truth is that’s...

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Do you need to bulk to gain muscle?

Do you need to bulk to gain muscle from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.

Do you need to bulk to gain muscle?

We all know that guy at the gym who “let himself go” they pack some size but a lot of it looks like fluff and who claims that all the gains are from eating an entire pizza...

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Do Refeeds Work?

Do Refeeds Work? from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.

Do Refeeds Work?

Diet trends are cyclical. 

Refeeds...the claim is that continued or prolonged dieting causes damage to the metabolism and that we unintentionally loose a lot of muscle along with fat. 

If we limit calories...

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Can you only digest 40 grams of protein every 3 hours?

Can you only digest 40 grams of protein every 3 hours? from Hybrid Performance Method on Vimeo.

Can you only digest 40 grams of protein every 3 hours?

There are many fitness myths passed down in this industry, one of them is the idea that you need to dose protein imperfect 20-40 gram doses and...

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