Learn how to snatch and clean & jerk from the ground up with three-time Olympian, weightlifting champion, and HYBRID Coach Fernando Reis.
Develop understanding of the two main and key drills to develop your weightlifting technique.
This course includes guided video demonstrations and a comprehensive downloadable guide including images and explanation of common faults and fixes, mobility drills, and accessory exercises.
Plus get a sneak peak inside the HYBRID Weightlifting Program and what it's like to work directly with Coach Fernando as he arms you with the tools and knowledge to safely begin your journey in Olympic weightlifting.
What you'll get:
- Detailed video lessons of the two main lifts.
- Demonstrations of common faults, fixes, and recommended accessory exercises.
- 30 page downloadable companion course notes.
Let's get lifting!
- Coach Fernando
* HYBRID Courses are non-refundable digital products.